Current members of the Centre:

Picture Name Location
Pawel Dlotko. Paweł Dłotko.
Pawel is the director and Principal Investigator of the Centre. He is working in applied and computational topology.
IMPAN Warsaw
Michal Bogdan. Michał Bogdan.
Michal is an Assistant Professor of the Centre.
IMPAN Warsaw
Julian Brüggemann. Julian Brüggemann.
Julian is an Assistant Professor of the Centre.
IMPAN Warsaw
Davide Gurnari. Davide Gurnari.
Davide is a fourth year PhD student of the Centre.
IMPAN Warsaw
Mathis Hallier. Mathis Hallier.
Mathis is a Visiting Master student of the Centre..
University of Technology of Compiegne
Niklas Hellmer. Niklas Hellmer.
Niklas is a fourth year PhD student of the Centre.
IMPAN Warsaw
Jakub Malinowski. Jakub Malinowski.
Jakub is a second year PhD student of the Centre.
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
John Rick Manzanares. John Rick Manzanares.
John Rick is a first year PhD of the Centre.
IMPAN Warsaw,
University of Silesia in Katowice
Marta Marszewska. Marta Marszewska.
Marta is a first year PhD of the Centre.
Gdańsk University of Technology
Mateusz Masłowski. Mateusz Masłowski.
Mateusz is a first year PhD of the Centre.
University of Gdańsk
Bartosz Naskręcki. Bartosz Naskręcki.
Bartosz is a Visiting Assistant Professor of the Centre.
IMPAN Poznań
Jan Felix Senge. Jan Felix Senge.
Jan is a Visiting PhD student of the Centre.
ALTA Uni Bremen
Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska. Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska.
Justyna is a Visiting Assistant Professor of the Centre.
IMPAN Gdańsk
Rafal Topolnicki. Rafał Topolnicki.
Rafal is a Visiting Assistant Professor of the Centre.
IMPAN Wrocław

External and visiting members of the Centre:

Ahmad Farhat. Ahmad Farhat.
External collaborator.
Simon Rudkin. Simon Rudkin.
External collaborator.
Uni Manchester
Wanling Rudkin. Wanling Rudkin.
External collaborator.
Uni Exeter
Radmila Sazdanovic. Radmila Sazdanovic.
Sabbatical Visiting Professor.


Anastasios Stefanou. Anastasios Stefanou.
Anastasios was a Visiting Assistant Professor of the Centre.
ALTA Uni Bremen
Michal Lipinski. Michał Lipiński.
Michał was a post-doc researcher of the Centre.
ISTA Austria


We are seeking highly talented and motivated individuals who are willing to work with us on applied problems for which the concept of shape is important.

We have a number of positions available. We are very open to host Marie Curie researchers as well as industrial collaborators.

Please contact Pawel Dlotko for further details.


We gratefully acknowledge the support from the Dioscuri Program.

Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence - a programme initiated by the Max Planck Society (MPG), jointly managed with the National Science Centre in Poland (NCN), and mutually funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).