Ahmad Farhat

Paris, France. I am a Lebanese-American currently living in Dubai with my wife Reem Khalil and two children, Adam (11) and Luna (1). I worked for Verizon Telecommunications, New York on client server applications automation and database administration. I also taught at the City University of New York. I currently work in data science with a focus on neuroanatomical research. I am a soccer/football fanatic (Liverpool fan)

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Dioscuri Centre in Topological Data Analysis


  1. Reem Khalil, Ahmad Farhat, Pawel Dlotko, Developmental changes in pyramidal cell morphology in multiple visual cortical areas using cluster analysis. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (). https://doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2021.667696
  2. Adam Mahdi, Piotr Błaszczyk, Paweł Dłotko, Dario Salvi, Tak-Shing Chan, John Harvey, Davide Gurnari, Yue Wu, Ahmad Farhat, Niklas Hellmer, Alexander Zarebski, Bernie Hogan, Lionel Tarassenko, Oxford COVID-19 Database: a multimodal data repository for better understanding the global impact of COVID-19, Scientific Reports (), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-88481-4.
  3. Reem Khalil, Sadok Kallel, Ahmad Farhat, Pawel Dlotko, Topological Sholl Descriptors for Neuronal Clustering and Classification. , bioRrxiv. (). bioArxiv
  4. Elsayed, Y., Kanan, S., & Farhat, A., Meteorological patterns, technical validation, and chemical comparison of atmospheric dust depositions and bulk sand in the Arabian Gulf region., Environmental pollution, 269, 116190 (). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116190
  5. Adam Mahdi, Piotr Błaszczyk, Paweł Dłotko, Dario Salvi, Tak-Shing Chan, John Harvey, Davide Gurnari, Yue Wu, Ahmad Farhat, Niklas Hellmer, Alexander Zarebski, Bernie Hogan, Lionel Tarassenko, Oxford COVID-19 Database: a multimodal data repository for better understanding the global impact of COVID-19, University of Oxford (), medRxiv.
  6. Habbal, O., Farhat, A., & Khalil, R., A mechanized device for mounting histological tissue sections., Journal of neuroscience methods, 320, 72–78. (). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.03.012

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