4th (Virtual) International Conference on Trauma Surgery Technology 2022, dedicated to Mathematics in Medical Diagnostics
The conference will be held virtually on 23 April 2022.
The proceedings for 2022 can be found here.
ICTST-MMD logo 2022

The programme is available here.

The aim of the conference is to bring together medical practitioners who would like to take advantage of advanced mathematical techniques in their clinical work with mathematicians and computer scientists who can provide methods and implementations that have the potential to make a difference in clinical practice. We are interested in both labelled medical datasets of various modalities, as well as the methods to extract their signatures. The output of such methods should be easy to integrate with tools of statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide clinicians with reliable answers to the unsolved medical questions of our time.

If you are interested in participating in our meeting, please send us an abstract of your talk. Please follow the text structure available here and email before 31 March 2022 your abstract to WolframAndreas.Bosbach (at) Insel.ch

Authors who are unsure about the fit of their topic are invited to submit an inquiry.

Abstracts containing published or on-going research are equally welcome.

Technical details of on-going patent applications do not need to be disclosed.

Authors are encouraged to write no more than 500 words and will be invited to present a short online talk.

The proceedings for 2022 can be found here.
The proceedings of the previous conference in 2020 are published doi.org/10.17863/CAM.60559

Your scientific committee
Wolfram Bosbach
Paweł Dłotko
Jan Senge